What is......Evernote?

How many times have you been in a meeting, or on a train or in a crowd or at a party, and someone starts talking about some social-web-internetty-media-thing-a-ma-bob like it's the second coming of you know who and you have no idea what they are talking about? It might as well have been a new laundry detergent in Croatia.

Me too. I don't pretend to know everything or even a lot of things or more than the next guy. What I do have going for me however is a want, no need, to know about things. New things and in particular, techie things.

So here's something new. I will endeavor to explain, in as few words as possible, stuff. Stuff like Facebook, Twitter, DropBox etc. If you have questions, feel free to ask.


I have written about Evernote here before and I use it almost every day. In fact, I would almost say that if you were only going to use one app on your phone, tablet or computer this is the one.

Evernote started out as a cloud-based note taking app where you could take notes on a smartphone or iPad and have them almost instantly on any other of your devices that are running the app. It is also available as a web/browser based site.

As such I use it to take notes at meetings, make to do lists, and gather thoughts on projects and different subjects and have used it to motivate a student to write.

Evernote are organized in notebooks and those can be shared with collaborators. As if having all of your notes available everywhere on virtually any device with internet access isn't good enough it's the power of collaboration (EdNext Buzzword Alert) that makes this one very useful tool.

Back in 2011 I wrote a post about using Evernote to motivate a student I was working with to write. The student, which I'll call Chris, was resistant to writing and I wanted Chris to have one success feeling that accomplishing something would provide motivation for writing more. By using Evernote on my 1st generation Windows Phone I scribed what Chris dictated. Since I was doing it on my phone Chris was totally engaged and asked to have it read back as to make revisions. Read the full story here.

In 2013 Evernote was used to help cast my fall musical, "Shrek". Using Evernote meant that I was getting audition data live from all areas of audition, dance, music and acting (which I was doing) live. Read that story here.

You can also save webpages to Evernote Notebooks using a browser plugin.

A powerful tool with great collaboration capabilities and one you should definitely have on the short list of apps to use every day.
